Investing with CMO
Investing in a CMO system is a highly profitable decision. You will obtain an IRR between 20% and 35% and the EBITDA margin usually approaches 50%. In addition, the payback period ranges between 1 and 3 years or between 3 and 5 years depending on the investment volume.
Reaching these very attractive figures is possible because:
- We thoroughly analyze the investment and allocate resources in accordance with the potential markets, always paying attention to the possibilities that the terrain offers to each project.
- We optimize the investment by focusing on profitable concepts and business units.
- We put together the products packages in accordance with the main markets within the area of influence.
- We success in market consolidation.
- We are always on top of the latest worldwide trends in leisure and adapt them for the enjoyment of the general public.
Small projects or improvements range between 60,000 and 350,000 Euros. Big, self-exploitation projects range between 250,000 and 3 million Euros.
A highly profitable investment

Our customers' profiles
Private investors
Urban zip line in Fuengirola (Malaga)
Private investors count on our adventure parks as a good leisure choice to achieve a return on a piece of land located within highly populated areas, with a high volume of tourists or within areas with great resources that are still unexploited.
Public institutions
Barranco Perdido. La Rioja government.
Mostly City Halls, find in our adventure parks a new way to add value to the community, supporting local businesses, increasing touristic attractions, creating jobs and generating income that result in benefits for citizens.
Projects already in place
Snow track in Xanadú mall
Projects already implemented such as themed parks, shopping malls, amusement and water parks, adventure parks, zoos, etc... also find in our products a way to give a boost to their business, develop new marketing strategies, supplement their offer, etc.